Friday 24 February 2012

Hellooooo! Fancy seeing you here....

That 'do' is no laughing matter.
So I am sat at my desk at work, Bon Jovi quietly playing in the background. "It's. My. Life" Now, I am not a Bon Jovi fan (mullets freak me out) however, those 3 words bear some significance....

I am ready to start my blog.

I never really got the whole 'blogging' craze. Blogging, and Twitter. I have a twitter account (@kelly_adams1985 if you're interested) but never really could be bothered with it. I only realised how rubbish I am with it when I stumbled across a message the other day an old school friend posted on my feed? wall? 6 MONTHS AGO. Facebook is easy and keeps me firmly in the loop with all that is going on at home and what parties are happening around my adopted hometown of Manly, Australia.

Home sweet home

But feel like I have got a lot to say. I think it'd be fun. Plus, my best friend Kirst said I have a way with words (they make her laugh anyway). So on this sunny Friday afternoon in Sydney - with work the last thing on my mind (sorry boss!) I thought I might as well start.

I don't know who is going to read this. Probably just me...and my mum! But think my life - my boyfriend, living away from home, Australian life, family, Manly, clothes, food, dream jobs, my beautiful bike (her name is Rosie), my intricate knowledge of all things celebrity, EVERYTHING....could be worth a little mention.

It may be the one place in the t'internet-sphere where there are no drunken photos either (for those, my friends, are in abundance on Facey B)

So there you go. This is me. My views, my stories, my life. I hope you enjoy reading it. (Mum)

K x