Friday 15 February 2013

I've been a naughty girl....

Hola my very devoted bunch of followers...anyone? No??!!

The Boy and I on New Years Eve at the Sydney Opera House

My last post apologised profusely as to my lax blogging activity, but I am unsure how to apologise for over 6 MONTHS of no words. Zilch. Nada. I even feel rusty as I type this...and am making many typing errors in the process.

There is no excuse. Really, there isn't. Ok ok, so I started my new (well, not so new anymore) job in September, my dearest mum arrived on Aussie shores in October,


However, whilst celebrating the turn of the new year a the iconic Sydney Opera House on NYE, under a crystal clear sky, I spoke about New Year resolutions with Graham and the friends we were there with.

"I would like to focus on my blog and do a writing course this year" I said....

"I love the feeling I get when I sit and write my blog".

The view from my office. Seriously.

So there you have it. Only 46 days late. Ha!

But as I sit here at work (with my work inbox piling up) the feeling I get when I write things that pop into my head that have absolutely nothing to do with my daily 9 to 5 starts creeping its way back in to my fingers, my arms, and finally, to my brain (things take a bit longer to get there, you see.)

I love it. And I forget why I don't make the time to write more. Its not like my diary is packed 24/7 and I have NO time. Things just get in the way. Work, being one.

Mum (left) Layney (right) and I at Palm Beach light House. You flamin' Galah's!

Ahhhhh, work. My new position in the events team of an Australian Corporate Institute was a big focus late last year and continues to challenge me everyday. And to be fair, it takes a lot of the brain space I use for writing such wonderful blogs that you, my friends, are used to.

Secondly. Life. I know that is pretty broad, but seriously, where the flipping heck does time go?? Mummy Adams visiting Australia was one of the big highlights of my 2012. It was AWESOME to show my mum our little world here in Sydney, and for her to experience it - and LOVE it - was something I will never forget. The first time she saw a kangaroo/koala/ANYTHING 'Australian' just put the biggest grin on my made me re-appreciate this awesome part of the world, and realise how lucky I am to be here.

Then Christmas. Christmas was....wet. Seriously!! RIDICULOUS. Then NYE, then Australia Day, then Valentines then....well, here we are!

Well, there was the new addition to Adams/Day family of two. The pitter patter of tiny feet...not THOSE feet, silly! I have only been away 6 months! The pitter patter of 4 little feet. Yup, ladies and gentlemen, we have a new addition to our household.

Nobody puts Fred in the corner. Geddit??

Fred the cat.

And so, my friends. I will leave you on that note. Not because I don't want to keep writing. I do. It's just the CEO is creeping about and he is soooo going to ask questions when he looks at my computer screen and sees a picture of Fred rather than next months Abu Dhabi event running sheet....

I am determined to keep my little blog a regular occurance (I LOVE this writing feeling!) and hopefully, regain some of my loyal fans who hang on to my every nonsensical word. ..

Guys? Hello? Cooooeeeeeeeee?!!!!

K xoxo