Wednesday 26 June 2013

North least that kid has some direction.

Blackpool, North West England....
regretting that now, aren't you Kimye??!!
Did you hear that Kanye and Kim Kardashian have named their child....North West???

Oh dear me. If they knew what the North West looked like back in Blighty, they may have re-thought this.

You must forgive me, my dedicated bunch of readers. I have been putting off and putting off some more writing this long-overdue blog entry. You may ask why? Why, when you clearly enjoy it, do you procrastinate/put it off/delay/all those other words that basically mean that you are a lazy cowbag and need to keep it up, when you clearly love it when you do???

Well, unlike the Kimye baby...or the Pet Shop Boys (ask your mum.) I am not quite sure in the direction I want my blog to go in... the meantime...

His favourite place...weirdo.
Here is some bits that have happened since I last wrote!

Fred the cat 

Our gorgeous kitty has grown. He is MASSIVE (well, a lot fatter than when we got him) We rescued this gorgeous little fatty a few months ago and he was tiny. Not just small, teeny weeny tiny. He was malnourished, sick, and we didn't think he would make it. Now however, Fred's favourite pastimes are eating ice cream, attacking our feet as we walk past and sleeping on our heads....and we wouldn't change him for the world.

Beep beep!

I'm a driving geek!
I, ladies and gentlemen, at the grand old age of 27, passed my driving test! Can I get a whoop whoop?!! Now, I don't want you thinking that in the DECADE (crikey!) I have had to take my test, that I failed a million times, I just never really got around to it. And so, once Gra and I purchased a sparkly new car, that gave me the push to get going and do it....the few lessons I had when I was 17 obviously paid off and so, after 5 lessons with a scary old Scottish lady, I passed (not only passed, I got 99%!!! I have never gotten 99% on anything!!) Yay!

Singapore Slings...

My job at the AICD is going from strength to strength. In May we headed, ironically, North West  to Singapore to get stuck in to our National Directorship Conference. It was MENTAL. 17 hour days, sore feet and tired eyes, but I loved every single second. I had a few days after the conference to see some sights, so after a much-deserved foot massage (my feet have only just forgiven me) I explored all four corners of the wonderfully crazy, busy, mixed bag of cultures that is Singapore.
Pretty spesh.

So there you go. Obviously more as happened, but I feel like I have exhausted my already sleepy brain today. Ha! It really doesn't take much.

K xoxo