Friday 21 March 2014

2013……oh no, wait…..2014!!

So my first entry of 2014 will have to start three….nearly 4 months into this delightful new year that seems to have just sprung up from nowhere…similar to the popularity of duckface selfies, snapchat…or Miley Cyrus’s bum.

A LOT has happened since I last wrote. Well I hope it has, because it was bloody June when I sat my ass down to write on here!!!

I, Kelly Lianne Adams, aged 28 and ¾ am happy to say that since my last blog entry, I have only bloody gone and got engaged!

 Yup, you heard correctly. My boyfriend Fiancé Graham decided that he liked it enough to put a ring on it, and after 5 years, a cat, 3 apartments, a car, a move to Australia and a few (hundred) fancy dress parties, he got down on bended knee, whilst we were ice skating in Bryant Park, New York on 30th December 2013 and asked me to marry him.
My temporary ring....what a beauty.

The first word to come out of my mouth…..?


Of course a few seconds later when I realised he wasn’t taking the mick, there was a resounding YES that could be heard all the way to the Bronx.

It was amazing. The ring he presented from his coat pocket was a beautiful, exquisitely cut red plastic light up ring he had bought me as a joke for Valentine’s Day 2009

And you wonder why “what” what the first thing I said!

After the ring was placed on my finger and I had stopped shaking, Graham uttered the words that every girl who has just been proposed to in New York wants to hear……

“Obviously this is a temporary ring, we need to go and pick your real one up from Tiffany’s”

OH HOLY *^%*#{*(#)@#(&)!@&%)@%!_%*!!!!!!!

I am sorry ladies. He is off the market. Back away from quite possibly the best fiancé in the whole wide world.

The biggest (edible) house I have ever seen....
Tiff doesn't do things by halves, clearly!
So there you go. A trip to New York for New Year’s Eve whilst visiting home ended in an ice skating proposal, the BEST experience in Tiffany’s (think champagne, cookies, more champagne, the biggest ginger bread house you have ever seen, and hanging out in a private room where Judy Dench has quaffed a few champers herself!)

What could top that, you ask? Well, nothing really! But the whole reason I thought we were going to New York was New Year’s Eve, and spending the hours leading up to the stroke of midnight at a restaurant in Times Square was pretty fun….not so much for the hordes of people freezing their asses off outside since 10am, however….
Can you guess where I was?!
When it got close to midnight, we ventured outside where a twist of fate/one too many vodkas had me and Gra sneaking passed the police barriers following a group of people in the know, right up to where all the action was happening!! We were supposed to be stationed at 50th street at our own little Applebee’s area, but said group of friends knew the coppers, so we managed to pretend we were friends with them (how? I still don’t know.) and snuck all the way to 45th street for a perfect view of the ball dropping, a perfect space to soak up the atmosphere, and a perfect time to give my new fiancé a massive New Year’s Eve kiss.

I am one very lucky lady.



After what had been a very trying second half to 2013 that saw both my amazing Nanna and Grandad, and Graham’s lovely Grandma pass away, I am so happy that our Christmas that was spent at home in the UK with all our families ended on a happy note….and a gorgeous bit of bling nestled on my left hand!!

God help my readers/reader when the wedding talk starts….my blogs may have to beef up a bit! Haha.

Obviously there is more to be spoken about in 2013….but 2014 is here and so let’s have a chat about that, shall we??!!

Our engagement party is to be held in our adopted home town of Manly tomorrow evening…of course you are all invited.

Until then,

K xoxo

Wednesday 26 June 2013

North least that kid has some direction.

Blackpool, North West England....
regretting that now, aren't you Kimye??!!
Did you hear that Kanye and Kim Kardashian have named their child....North West???

Oh dear me. If they knew what the North West looked like back in Blighty, they may have re-thought this.

You must forgive me, my dedicated bunch of readers. I have been putting off and putting off some more writing this long-overdue blog entry. You may ask why? Why, when you clearly enjoy it, do you procrastinate/put it off/delay/all those other words that basically mean that you are a lazy cowbag and need to keep it up, when you clearly love it when you do???

Well, unlike the Kimye baby...or the Pet Shop Boys (ask your mum.) I am not quite sure in the direction I want my blog to go in... the meantime...

His favourite place...weirdo.
Here is some bits that have happened since I last wrote!

Fred the cat 

Our gorgeous kitty has grown. He is MASSIVE (well, a lot fatter than when we got him) We rescued this gorgeous little fatty a few months ago and he was tiny. Not just small, teeny weeny tiny. He was malnourished, sick, and we didn't think he would make it. Now however, Fred's favourite pastimes are eating ice cream, attacking our feet as we walk past and sleeping on our heads....and we wouldn't change him for the world.

Beep beep!

I'm a driving geek!
I, ladies and gentlemen, at the grand old age of 27, passed my driving test! Can I get a whoop whoop?!! Now, I don't want you thinking that in the DECADE (crikey!) I have had to take my test, that I failed a million times, I just never really got around to it. And so, once Gra and I purchased a sparkly new car, that gave me the push to get going and do it....the few lessons I had when I was 17 obviously paid off and so, after 5 lessons with a scary old Scottish lady, I passed (not only passed, I got 99%!!! I have never gotten 99% on anything!!) Yay!

Singapore Slings...

My job at the AICD is going from strength to strength. In May we headed, ironically, North West  to Singapore to get stuck in to our National Directorship Conference. It was MENTAL. 17 hour days, sore feet and tired eyes, but I loved every single second. I had a few days after the conference to see some sights, so after a much-deserved foot massage (my feet have only just forgiven me) I explored all four corners of the wonderfully crazy, busy, mixed bag of cultures that is Singapore.
Pretty spesh.

So there you go. Obviously more as happened, but I feel like I have exhausted my already sleepy brain today. Ha! It really doesn't take much.

K xoxo

Friday 15 February 2013

I've been a naughty girl....

Hola my very devoted bunch of followers...anyone? No??!!

The Boy and I on New Years Eve at the Sydney Opera House

My last post apologised profusely as to my lax blogging activity, but I am unsure how to apologise for over 6 MONTHS of no words. Zilch. Nada. I even feel rusty as I type this...and am making many typing errors in the process.

There is no excuse. Really, there isn't. Ok ok, so I started my new (well, not so new anymore) job in September, my dearest mum arrived on Aussie shores in October,


However, whilst celebrating the turn of the new year a the iconic Sydney Opera House on NYE, under a crystal clear sky, I spoke about New Year resolutions with Graham and the friends we were there with.

"I would like to focus on my blog and do a writing course this year" I said....

"I love the feeling I get when I sit and write my blog".

The view from my office. Seriously.

So there you have it. Only 46 days late. Ha!

But as I sit here at work (with my work inbox piling up) the feeling I get when I write things that pop into my head that have absolutely nothing to do with my daily 9 to 5 starts creeping its way back in to my fingers, my arms, and finally, to my brain (things take a bit longer to get there, you see.)

I love it. And I forget why I don't make the time to write more. Its not like my diary is packed 24/7 and I have NO time. Things just get in the way. Work, being one.

Mum (left) Layney (right) and I at Palm Beach light House. You flamin' Galah's!

Ahhhhh, work. My new position in the events team of an Australian Corporate Institute was a big focus late last year and continues to challenge me everyday. And to be fair, it takes a lot of the brain space I use for writing such wonderful blogs that you, my friends, are used to.

Secondly. Life. I know that is pretty broad, but seriously, where the flipping heck does time go?? Mummy Adams visiting Australia was one of the big highlights of my 2012. It was AWESOME to show my mum our little world here in Sydney, and for her to experience it - and LOVE it - was something I will never forget. The first time she saw a kangaroo/koala/ANYTHING 'Australian' just put the biggest grin on my made me re-appreciate this awesome part of the world, and realise how lucky I am to be here.

Then Christmas. Christmas was....wet. Seriously!! RIDICULOUS. Then NYE, then Australia Day, then Valentines then....well, here we are!

Well, there was the new addition to Adams/Day family of two. The pitter patter of tiny feet...not THOSE feet, silly! I have only been away 6 months! The pitter patter of 4 little feet. Yup, ladies and gentlemen, we have a new addition to our household.

Nobody puts Fred in the corner. Geddit??

Fred the cat.

And so, my friends. I will leave you on that note. Not because I don't want to keep writing. I do. It's just the CEO is creeping about and he is soooo going to ask questions when he looks at my computer screen and sees a picture of Fred rather than next months Abu Dhabi event running sheet....

I am determined to keep my little blog a regular occurance (I LOVE this writing feeling!) and hopefully, regain some of my loyal fans who hang on to my every nonsensical word. ..

Guys? Hello? Cooooeeeeeeeee?!!!!

K xoxo

Tuesday 31 July 2012

"If we took a la laaaaah"

Why, hello there!

Only me!

I must apologise for my extremely lax blogging activity. There are a few excuses reasons for this:

1. A mahoooosive holiday with the Boy (more on that shortly)
Ok ok! I'm on it!
2. A severe case of Black lung (i.e awful chest infection, one that I won't bore you with the details of. I could barely barely stay awake at work, let alone entertain you with a fabulous piece of writing. Ahem.)

Sooooooo. Let's start at the beginning shall we?!

I guess it should start with Graham and the fact that he turned the big 3-0 in June this year. Ages ago I asked him what he wanted to do. He wanted nothing more than to go home and see all of our families.

This was awesome. But I had bigger plans.

"How about making a bit of a trip of it?" I said. "Haven't you always wanted to visit New York?"

So that's how it started. We then realised you couldn't get to NYC directly from Sydney without stopping in LA, so we thought we may stay there for a couple of days...and then figured we should have a little trip to Vegas whilst we were in the area. Why not??!!

And so the Big Trip was born.

Graham and myself have not actually had a holiday together. When you're from where we are, you normally head to *enter hot and sunny European Country here* for a couple of weeks each year with your other half, way before moving in together, or travelling for example. 

On the way to the Whitsundays.
We like to do things a bit differently, and move to the other side of the world together, 8 months after starting our romance. Seriously. Told you we don't do things by halves!

So as much as we live in harmony (almost) all the time, holidaying together is something fairly alien to us, and so this mammoth month-long trip was quite a big deal. 
4 days sailing in the Whitsunday Islands doesn't quite compare! It also doesn't compare to a 3-month South Asia adventure with my curly-haired companion Raquel. We are 4 years older and as much as I am happy to back pack in Laos...I don't think you could get a 4* accommodation for a fiver in New York....

Gra and I in the Grand Canyon...told
you we don't do things by halves!
May 18th 2012: The day has arrived. We had fallen out before we even got to the airport. HA!

3 days in Vegas and NO sign of Elvis.
A quick stop in Hawaii before arriving in Vegas, 17hrs or so after leaving Sydney. We arrived around midnight, got a quick shower at our amazing hotel, then headed straight out to the strip. It was awesome. It was insane. It was VEGAS BABY!!

The Ballagio Fountains, Cirque du Soleil, gambling at the Paris, not to mention a helicopter ride to the Grand felt like we had packed a year into 3 days in Vegas. That place screws with your body clock!
Notice I have all the chips??!!
We loved every second.

Then onto Los Angeles. Our accommodation was in Venice Beach. Just a stones throw from upmarket Santa Monica, but the rawness and air of poverty along the boardwalk at Venice seemed a million miles away from the shiny beach town up the road. I really loved the vibe, it was shabby and it was real - unlike the TV shows have you believing in 90210/Fresh Prince land.
If any of my....3 (?) blog fans know me but at all, you will know how utterly obsessed I am about the crazy world of Hollywood (see previous post) so after a scrummy dinner and an early night, our first full day in the City of Angels was spent in HOLLYWOOD!!

Oh. My. God. It was mental.
"BIG mistake. Big. Huge."
Name that film!

We did the TMZ Hollywood tour. Saw the Chateau Marmont. The Viper Room. The Ivy. The Roosevelt, The hairdressers where Britney shaved her head. EVERYTHING! If any of you have seen the TMZ show, or checked out their website, you will get the kind of sentiment the tour was going for. Even Gra (who isn't that partial to having 'Heat' magazine thrust in his face every time I read some scandalous gossip) loved it. It was so much fun, made even better by the fact some crazy couple (who loved 'Kardashians' and 'Real Housewaives' more than me) got engaged...on the tour bus! Ha ha!
Arnie would've been shaking in his boots.

A shop in Kitson, a trip to Malibu and some yummy So-Cal Mexican food finished our trip to LA....

...Or so we thought.

When we got to the airport, we realised (a little too late) that our flight had been changed internally and was flying out of a different terminal. It took 1 hr and 20 minutes to get this information, wait for a shuttle, move 3 miles an hour on said shuttle, queue to see an attendant, get ignored several times before being finally told by the rudest airport attendant ever that we had missed the last flight of the evening from LA to New York.
We were devastated. Due to the time difference, the first flight out the following morning would cause us to miss 7 hours in New York. Not too bad if you are there for a long holiday. Not us. We needed as much time there as possible!
After a miniature (ok massive) strop from me, we decided we should just stay at LAX airport and wait to hopefully get on the 6am flight the next day...

Its funny how each of us reacted to this (major at the time) bump in our otherwise seamless trip. I cried. Gra stepped up, realised he was not going to get ANYWHERE with his sniffling whiny girlfriend and took matter into his own hands. He found a map. He found us food. He found me gossip magazines. He was awesome.

The sleep we got on the rubber couches at McDonald's however, was not.

We can laugh about it now, but at the time, it was awful. On a positive note, it also showed us that in times of stress, we didn't kill each other, we just looked after each other, and helped each other out. It was the same when we were in Manchester airport coming back to Sydney - we (and by 'we' I mean Gra) realised there is nothing worse than an airport with Kelly Adams. If on his own, Gra would chill, grab a coffee and a paper, sit by a window and chill until his flight gets called. Not with me. His new experience featured no coffee or chill, but being dragged around duty free and a manic dash between each and every WH Smith to find 'Heat magazine'!!

So anyway, 6am finally comes around, and by some miracle there were spare seats on the flights from LAX to JFK! I could of kissed the woman at check-in!

I passed out as soon as we took off and slept the whole way.

Don't you feel like you're watching 'Friends'?!
New York.

New York. Yup, it did need a double mention (Sinatra wasn't wrong). What a place. From the moment we got to our funky apartment, we didn't stop. Up at 7am every morning and coming back long after the New York revelry kicked off (which we were usually involved in!) we fitted in everything we wanted to and more in those 5 - well 4 and a bit - days. Broadway shows, Rockefeller, Empire State, Central Park, Hot Dogs, Ellis Island, Reuben Sandwiches, Shoe shopping, Times Square, Breakfast (and presents!) at Tiffany' name it, we did/ate it!

A few pictures to give your brain a break...

Getting into the NYC spirit...

At the 'Top of the Rock'

Breakfast at Tiffany's! Audrey, move over!

My belated birthday present from Gra!

On the Brooklyn Bridge

A family affair....
We left New York to head to the Motherland. Back to Blighty. As much as our trip to the U S of A was our holiday, our big trip to celebrate Gra's birthday and to test our holiday compatibility (What do reckon Gra? I say we scored A*!) nothing would compare to getting home and seeing the family.
2 long years we have been away in the land of Kangaroos, Didgeridoos and er...Alf Stewart, so getting to Manchester Airport with 2 sets of parents waiting was by far the highlight of the trip.

Gorgeous baby Lola
The two weeks in the UK went by in such a blur. After being with Graham 24/7 in America, it was weird going home and spending 5 days apart whilst he went away to Anglesey. It was nice though, as it meant we both got to spend quality time with our own families, but then had celebrations to attend together...Gra's 30th birthday party, my mum's 'Kelly's home from Oz' party and Lola's Christening.
A night in Liverpool maaaate!
With Raquel and Fenna...

I also got to spend a night out in Liverpooool with my besties from Uni, then a crazy night out with my girly besties in to know if we ever move back to England, they do a FAR better night out than the Boatshed in Manly!

The girlies hit Southport...til 6am!
When it was finally time to leave, we had overspent, overeaten and overdone the fun...but no matter how many times you do it, nothing prepares you for the blubbering mess you become when it's time to say goodbye. My only saving grace is that my mum had told me her and Layney Bobs (my Auntie Elayne to you) were going to come over. First time. Yesssssssssssssssss!!!!

Gra wasn't too bad saying goodbye. He had seen everyone he wanted to see and we had a fair idea of when were coming back, so he was prepared. He was ready. He was...

....going to have to spend the next 3 weeks comforting me and my homesickness/horrendous chest infection!

I WILL get better, I promise! And when I do, it will be time to move back to the motherland and have those babies everyone is midering me to have (give me time dudes, PLEASE!) 

Until next time,

K x

Friday 11 May 2012

The age of Celebrity

I've always had an extremely big obsession with the world of celebrity.

Not so much wanting to be a celebrity myself (although their bank balance wouldn't hurt) but just the general goings on with these 'untouchable' beings, and the delicious gossip that is created around them. I could give you the 28 degrees of separation including hairdressers, pet chiuauas and botox suppliers between Kim Kardashian and an Olsen Twin.

Jason Donovan and the first album I ever bought!
I guess it started with my first celebrity crush. Jason Donovan. Now before you reach for the sick bucket, he was a hottie in the late 80's! If he was good enough for Kylie...

Then Take That (in particular Mark Owen. Bless.) came into town. I was 8. I was in love. I screamed that much at their Manchester G-Mex Tour in '93 that my mum wouldn't let me go into school the next day as I couldn't speak. I was devastated. All I wanted to do was go in and show off my programme and Fruit of the Loom 'TT' t-shirt!

Mark Owen. Top right. Swoon.

Alas, it wasn't to be. I think once the invitations I sent them for my 9th birthday weren't RSVP'd, and they didn't show up (I wouldn't of minded if you hadn't got me a present, boys!) I realised that maybe my crush wasn't reciprocated. That, or my mum "forgot" to post the invites. Grrrr. They would of  come and fell in love with me otherwise!

Still one of my favourite albums!
(Don't judge me)

Boyband crushes seem to have taken up a lot of my time, actually. Hanson. 5ive. Backstreet Boys. Busted. Even now I am partial to a bit of cheesy pop (although the boys in these bands seem to get younger and younger....Perhaps my 27 years of crushes need to stop now as the average age of a boybander is at least a decade younger than myself *shudder*)

Heat Magazine: Bible.
But I digress (I do this a lot) it not just the boys and their well-sexy dance moves that keep me reaching for the magazines each week. It's the gossip - will Jennifer ever get over Brad?! The scandals - Is Khloe really a Kardashian?! The clothes - where are the sale items at Kitson?! The no matter how many times they do drugs, they still look fabulous?! Mossy, we're looking at you. 

The life of celebrities seems to run at 1000 miles an hour...and it doesn't seem completely real. The Hollywood set seem to switch partners more than me and my friends did in High School (2 weeks was my record.) I always wonder how awkward places such as the Oscars and Golden Globes are, when Taylor and Reese, Blake and Scarlett or the infamous Jen and Ange inevitably bump into each other. Ouch. What is said? Do they have to be separated by security? Or is it like a scene from 'Mean Girls' when Nicole sides with one and Paris creates a slam book about the other??!! Ooooooh, to be a perfectly manicured fly on those walls.
Any excuse for a picture of Ryan.

That is perhaps where my love of celebrity could one day serve a purpose. As my last blog indicated, I would love to work on events such as the mighty Oscars, where I would be able to use my 'insider knowledge' (i.e Heat Magazine) to create buffers so famous love triangles do not cross paths. Where celebrities can relax and know that their deepest darkest secrets will not be revealed...and where scrummy Zac/Jake/Ryan types can hang out without groupies/ex-girlfriends/wannabe girlfriends stalking their beautiful and well-groomed prey. Of course, I do NOT include myself in that category. I would obviously maintain a high level of professionalism and decorum. *cough*

Oh, and for the's Team Aniston all the way. ;-)

K xx

Monday 2 April 2012

Career crisis! Where's the bin?!

A job. Making a living. Having a career.

When I was a little girl, I wanted to grow up and become a bin lady.


Not your usual 'vet' or 'teacher', I wanted to spend my adult life collecting people's rubbish and work at the tip.

No offence to actual bin men (and women, if there are any) but I am not sure why I wanted to be a bin lady. My mum told me that in year 2 at Primary School we were learning about recycling and reading 'Stig of the Dump' and we took a class trip to the local tip. The outing fell on my birthday. Mum said that all the Barbies/My Little Ponies/Pogs in the world could not overtake the excitement I had for visiting the tip on my birthday. My mum could of saved a fortune!

What a weird kid.

Weird, but determined. At least I knew at 6 years old what interested me and what I wanted to do.

But 20 years on, and my determination to be a bin lady has passed (thankfully!). But now I am more confused than ever before.

I went to university at 18 years old, mainly to check out boys and drink beer before lectures. I didn't have a specific idea of what I wanted to study before I went, but I knew Uni was something I was supposed to do. I spoke to my tutor at college, and at 16 years old, we decided I should apply for an Events Management degree.
My graduation day!

Who knows what they want to do at 16 years old? Really?

4 uni years, several hundred hangovers and thousands of pounds worth of student debt later and I still don't have a specific idea of what it is that I should be doing.

Having left University with a respectable (but 'could try harder') 2:2 in Marketing (having decided after first year that a broader degree would stand me in better stead getting a job than a very narrow-focused Event career) I feel that if I had waited a couple of years before starting University, I would of definitely been more focused on my studies and shied away from that 17th Jagerbomb...

Jagerbomb: ouch.

I spoke about this with Gra recently (probably after another payment to the Student Loans Company) and he said I shouldn't regret my uni years, and that he wishes he would of took the opportunity to go to university. I see him with a trade, a skill, a qualification that has brought him to Australia (without having to fruit-pick...unlike myself....more on that another time) and brought him his awesome job, and it's hard not to think having a trade or skill like his wouldn't of been the sensible (and debt-free) way to go.

But OF COURSE I don't regret it. I had the best 4 years of my life at Uni. I made some life-long friends there (including my very best bestie, Kirst. My 1 avid reader.) University also taught me some very solid life lessons (such as how to work a washing machine) and some skills I would never had learnt at home (such as beating a rugby player at a 'Strawpeedo' challenge)

University also gave me the courage and ambition to travel. My final-year housemate and other bestie Rachael and I travelled around South-East Asia for a few months the year after University and I think I grew up and learnt more about myself and the world around me in those 3 months than I think I will ever realise.
Cambodia: Land of smiles.
But I digress.

I read an article in 'Cosmopolitan' recently that a lot of Australian women are heading back to study later on in life after discovering a new passion, or wanting a completely different change to what they set about doing earlier on in their careers.

But with financial responsibility (even without a mortgage and children - hey, rent is expensive in Manly!) the chances of completely starting from scratch become slimmer and slimmer the longer you leave it. It's just not as easy to start all over when you're not 18 anymore.

If I was to go back to uni to study for a completely new career, I would be 30 or 31 before I even graduated. Still a baby? Not quite...I can't handle my alcohol quite like I did at University and I am not sure that I would even know what I wanted to study if given the chance.

Drunken times at Uni
with my bestie, Kirst.
So what if taking yourself out of the workforce to study full time just isn't a possibility?

Figure out what works for you with the skills you already have? Can anyone help me with this??! I am very modest!
Ok, since being with my current role as and Events coordinator for a Learning and Development Company in the heart of Sydney's CBD, the most rewarding part of my role is organising all the logistics for the events I run from start to finish, and seeing the finished product go well and our clients enjoying and getting the most from the event. I think this is something I do pretty well, and I am organised to the point of annoyance at work (think Monica from 'Friends'!)

But I want BIGGER. Much bigger.

After those of you who have been to a Halloween/Birthday/Random Saturday party at our place, one of my big passions is parties! To organise a fun, happy, (slightly) drunken party, even in our small apartment gives me so much joy (and a very big hangover!)
Halloween: Anyone for a champers?!

To do that on a larger scale (for something like the BRITs, ARIAs...or even the Golden Globes!) would be a dream come true.

Of course I have a lot of work ahead. Behind the scenes at something like the BRITs would be a logistical nightmare....but just imaging the sense of pride seeing something like that unfold??

Music events, sporting events, weddings, birthdays, Bah Mitzvah's....ANYTHING that brings people together to share an event that is run with minimal stress, minimal fuss, and a whole heap of fun would be A. Maze. Ing.

Work the red carpet like Beyonce.

So how do I go about this? Well, I should really start by whoring out my Resume to anyone who will read it. Next: Experience. I need to get my networking butt into gear and volunteer for as many event staff positions as possible, and chat to as many contacts my avid reader(s) have for me to see who and what's out there and what I can do to get started.
Is everyone ready to help me out (I promise seats next to Beyonce at the GRAMMYs if you do!)
And if all else fails....I better start practising my shot drinking before I enrol at Macquarie University next January...

K xx