Thursday 1 March 2012

I'm walking on, wait...that's just mud.

Giselle is waaay too cool to
be associated with a walker!


It's never been the most interesting of activities has it? You don't find 'walking' at the Olympics. There are no cool professional walkers with their rockstar/model spouses and you certainly don't see walkers in any hall of fame.

So why have I chosen to use walking as a method of getting from Balmoral Beach to Coogee Beach (that's 50km!)???

It's for charideeeeeeee, y'all.

Yes, I, Kelly Lianne Adams has decided to sacrifice my Friday night at home, snuggling with the boy and watching Gossip Girl (Gra's choice, not mine) to walk for about 11 hours OVERNIGHT in muddy, crappy conditions all in the name of charity.

And I am actually quite excited. Well, excited/mental.

The thing is, I quite like doing stuff for charity. When Gra and I first arrived in our little beach hometown of Manly in 2009, I felt very left out watching all these fit bronzed bodies running up and down the beach, not a bead of sweat/inch of fat between any of them, and decided that running was the sport for me. You see, I have never been the most active member of any gym (sporadic usage is the term I like to call it) so thought running would be a cheap and fast way to shake all those chubby bits into shape and become a lean, mean running machine.

My first run nearly killed me.

My first 1/2 marathon in
September 2011
But I stuck at it and completed my first ever 14km organised run the following August - the world famous, biggest charity run - City2Surf, going from Sydney City to Bondi Beach with about 80,000 fellow runners/joggers/walkers. I didn't stop running the whole way. And I loved every bloody minute of it. I did it for charity too - I raised a few hundred dollars for Monica's 'Doggywood' kennels.
Again, last May we did a 10,000 steps a day challenge at work for the CARE Australia 'Walk In Her Shoes' challenge - helping poverty stricken women in third world countries. At work I seem to have taken on the charity coordinator role, bringing forward different activities we can do to raise money for charity.

So when the Coastrek walk came up, you could choose to do a 50km or 100km walk, during the day or overnight. My initial thought was "yesssss, a day off work!" as the day walk starts at 6am on Friday 2nd March...but alas, that start time had already been filled. By this point, my fellow team members had caught wind of this and seemed keen, and so, as I write this, I have about 28 hours until 'Wilson Wonder Women' start their treacherous and tiring journey overnight to Coogee beach.

Our 'official' photo!
I really don't know what to think about all of this. When I get tired, I get cranky. This will go down great with the MD won't it?? Haha. There are 4 of us doing it. 1. My Director. She is a professional runner. I have trained with this woman. It ain't pretty. I didn't know anyone could get so competitive on a charity walk!
Numbers 2. and 3. My fellow colleagues. They are a lot less stressed on finishing at a certain time, as long as they finish! Then there is number 4. Me. I am in the middle. I am not really bothered on time or speed, I just want it to be fun. Granted, there is only so much fun you can have with your Director, but I want fun nonetheless. We will be walking through muddy bushland at all hours of the night. It will probably rain, it will be a bit chilly. I am afraid or the dark. Hahahahaha - er where is the fun in all this??

Our not-so-official photo!
Anyway, enough of me being a wuss. I am just so happy my friends and family, with a bit of coaxing, have sponsored me so much money! The minimum compulsory target we had as a group was $1600 - $400 each. I pushed it to $500 but at the last count, thanks to donations last night from my wonderful mum and Nanna Edie, I am at $895!!! Wow. You lot must really think I can do this! I was totally kicking ass with my sponsors too, until my Director snuck up on me and got a last minute surge...but all together we have (at the last count) $3170!!!!

That is insane.

If you fancy parting with some of your hard-earned casharooney and want to sponsor me (purely so I beat my competitive boss!) just click on the link below:

Thank you so much!

Right. So now all that is left to do is the walk. Compeed, ponchos, cereal bars and many pairs of socks at the ready. I am so not making walking sound any cooler, am I??! Can you please prey that it doesn't rain?!! I cannot handle soggy feet! Ahhhhh, I am making it worse!

I will let you know how I get on. To be continued....

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