Friday 11 May 2012

The age of Celebrity

I've always had an extremely big obsession with the world of celebrity.

Not so much wanting to be a celebrity myself (although their bank balance wouldn't hurt) but just the general goings on with these 'untouchable' beings, and the delicious gossip that is created around them. I could give you the 28 degrees of separation including hairdressers, pet chiuauas and botox suppliers between Kim Kardashian and an Olsen Twin.

Jason Donovan and the first album I ever bought!
I guess it started with my first celebrity crush. Jason Donovan. Now before you reach for the sick bucket, he was a hottie in the late 80's! If he was good enough for Kylie...

Then Take That (in particular Mark Owen. Bless.) came into town. I was 8. I was in love. I screamed that much at their Manchester G-Mex Tour in '93 that my mum wouldn't let me go into school the next day as I couldn't speak. I was devastated. All I wanted to do was go in and show off my programme and Fruit of the Loom 'TT' t-shirt!

Mark Owen. Top right. Swoon.

Alas, it wasn't to be. I think once the invitations I sent them for my 9th birthday weren't RSVP'd, and they didn't show up (I wouldn't of minded if you hadn't got me a present, boys!) I realised that maybe my crush wasn't reciprocated. That, or my mum "forgot" to post the invites. Grrrr. They would of  come and fell in love with me otherwise!

Still one of my favourite albums!
(Don't judge me)

Boyband crushes seem to have taken up a lot of my time, actually. Hanson. 5ive. Backstreet Boys. Busted. Even now I am partial to a bit of cheesy pop (although the boys in these bands seem to get younger and younger....Perhaps my 27 years of crushes need to stop now as the average age of a boybander is at least a decade younger than myself *shudder*)

Heat Magazine: Bible.
But I digress (I do this a lot) it not just the boys and their well-sexy dance moves that keep me reaching for the magazines each week. It's the gossip - will Jennifer ever get over Brad?! The scandals - Is Khloe really a Kardashian?! The clothes - where are the sale items at Kitson?! The no matter how many times they do drugs, they still look fabulous?! Mossy, we're looking at you. 

The life of celebrities seems to run at 1000 miles an hour...and it doesn't seem completely real. The Hollywood set seem to switch partners more than me and my friends did in High School (2 weeks was my record.) I always wonder how awkward places such as the Oscars and Golden Globes are, when Taylor and Reese, Blake and Scarlett or the infamous Jen and Ange inevitably bump into each other. Ouch. What is said? Do they have to be separated by security? Or is it like a scene from 'Mean Girls' when Nicole sides with one and Paris creates a slam book about the other??!! Ooooooh, to be a perfectly manicured fly on those walls.
Any excuse for a picture of Ryan.

That is perhaps where my love of celebrity could one day serve a purpose. As my last blog indicated, I would love to work on events such as the mighty Oscars, where I would be able to use my 'insider knowledge' (i.e Heat Magazine) to create buffers so famous love triangles do not cross paths. Where celebrities can relax and know that their deepest darkest secrets will not be revealed...and where scrummy Zac/Jake/Ryan types can hang out without groupies/ex-girlfriends/wannabe girlfriends stalking their beautiful and well-groomed prey. Of course, I do NOT include myself in that category. I would obviously maintain a high level of professionalism and decorum. *cough*

Oh, and for the's Team Aniston all the way. ;-)

K xx

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